Neoscreen Medical Ltd. was founded in 2007 as a Laboratory of Neonatal and Prenatal Testing. It started its activities with the expanded control of newborns in order to sort out suspicious cases concerning 60 metabolic diseases. The specific testing is offered in private maternity hospitals such as IASO, IASO Larissa, public maternity hospitals, the Inter-Balkan Center of Thessaloniki, the "Health" of Albania and others until today. So far we have carried out about 80,000 testings. We then expanded our genetic testing activities to detect germline mutations, having performed more than 70,000 genetic testing (September 2020). Our services range from the detection of a specific mutation to the analysis of the entire genome.
Neoscreen is an accredited laboratory by ESYD, since 2009, according to standard 15189 and participates in multiple external quality control schemes of CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), Instand e.V, EQAS, EMQN and EHEQAS. In addition, it has an operating license from the Medical Association of Athens (AP 10016, Registration No. 993).

In the last two years the company has expanded its activities in the field of molecular oncology, which concerns the extraction of molecular profiles of various types of tumors (solid tumors) and liquid biopsy (liquid biopsy), or through the use of small panels (up to 56 genes) performed at Neoscreen, either using large panels (688 genes) performed in collaboration with major international genetic testing centers, such as BGI. Knowing the status of genetic tests in Greece, but also global data, we certainly offer genetic tests of high diagnostic value, equal or upgraded in relation to those already available in the Greek market.
The bioinformatic analysis of all the above tests is carried out in our laboratory, while the "raw data" of the analyzes (FastQ files) are offered, if requested. There is also the possibility of providing genetic counseling either in person at the Neoscreen laboratory or via Skype for patients in remote areas.
Neoscreen has received funding from NSRF programs, following a formal critical evaluation. More specifically, in 2015 we received the amount of € 500,000 from the Spinoff-Spinout program. Recently, from September 2019 to 2021, the amount of 997,000 €, within the program Research-Create-Innovate for the genetic control of children with autism, with Whole Genome Sequencing and liquid biopsy in lung and prostate cancer, with advanced NGS techniques and artificial intelligence, in collaboration with Sotiria University Hospital and Agios Savvas Cancer Hospital.

Neoscreen has:
1. HIGHLY TRAINED STAFF (Μolecular Βiologists holding postgraduate and doctoral degrees).
EQUIPMENT of the latest technology such as:
1. 3 NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) platforms, two Miseq (Illumina) and one Ion Torrent (ThermoScientific),
2. 2 Affymetrix (ThermoScientific) microarrays platforms,
3. 2 genetic analyzers for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, ABI3130xl (ThermoScientific),
4. 4 real time PCR machines, two LC480 II (Roche), one ABI Step One plus (ThermoScientific) & one RotorGene 6000 (Corbett-Qiagen),> 10 PCR machines,
5. 4 mass chromatography mass spectrometry systems (one API 4000 QTRAP & three API 2000, 1 BRUKER QTOF),
6. Olympus BX61 microscope for karyotype analysis and FISH and other small equipment ".
We are at your disposal for any clarification.