AISIO (Artificial Intelligence Services in Oncology). It is a Non-Profit Service that will offer Artificial Intelligence applications in Molecular Oncology. More specifically, it will offer a) Whole Genome Sequencing in pediatric oncology patients with solid tumors, b) RNA-Seq in pediatric patients with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, c) Neoantigen predictions panels in metastatic oncology patients with the application of Tumor Whole Exome Exole Sequencing, Normal Whole Sequencing, Tumor RNA-Seq.
The above molecular tests will be performed in collaboration with internationally accredited diagnostic centers, which have CAP certification, such as BGI, and patients will be charged only with the cost of sequencing the genetic material. Best Practices Algorithms will be used for the above analyzes such as the Google Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, Tensorflow, Machine learning-based classifier for the RNA-seq based gene expression classifier, which includes gene fusion analysis, for categorizing patients with ALL.